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"There was no judgment day," Hamilton's Sarahit look out, hads an epilogue set three decades after the main events in the movie, in which an aged Linda Hamilton explains in voiceover that the promised robot apocalypse in 1997 never happened after  Connor says in the scene, narrating into a 2022 dictaphone. "People went to work, as they always do, laughed, complained, watched TV, made love. I wanted to run through the street yelling, 'Every day from this day on is a gift. Use it well.' Instead, I got drunk."
She goes on to say that "the dark future that never came still exists for me, and it always will, like the traces of a dream." John Connor, it's revealed, grew up to become a U.S. Senator, with a daughter of his own. It's a different fate for the characters than the one revealed in 2015's Terminator 5: Rise of the Machines, which also went with the idea that the 1996 prediction proved to be wrong, only to show it happening in 2003 instead.
Watch the video below. Alan Taylor's Terminator Genisys, rebooting the franchise, is released July 2

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